Responsible & Ethical Sourcing


Metal Sourcing

Calico Jewellers is committed to making a positive impact on the our local and global communities while reducing our impact on the environment. We recognize the importance of responsible metal sourcing in reducing the negative environmental and social impacts of mining. The mining industry has a poor history of labor and environmental issues, which is why we have made a commitment to focus on sourcing our metals in a responsible way. We work closely with our suppliers and manufacturing partners to increase the percentage of recycled and secondary sourced precious metals in all our manufacturing. We are committed to reducing our environmental footprint and are continuously looking for ways to improve our processes.

We also utilize a customer’s gold in the creation of their custom jewellery pieces, both preserving the sentimental value and reducing their costs. With Calico our customers can feel satisfied about giving their old gold new life by creating treasures that tells their story.

In addition to this we have a scrap gold purchasing program that provides our customers with a responsible and ethical way to reclaim value from unwanted or broken gold jewellery. By purchasing scrap gold from our customers we ensure these valuable materials are refined and reused, rather than contributing to the demand for newly mined materials. This provides an opportunity for customers to repurpose their old gold in a meaningful way.