Gemstone Education


Coloured Stone - Cut

The "cut" of a colored stone refers to its shape, proportions, and overall symmetry. A well-cut gemstone will showcase its color and brilliance to their best advantage. The cut can be the most challenging aspect of grading-colored stones because it can be very subjective and varies depending on the gemstone. Unlike diamonds, which are generally cut to maximize their brilliance, colored gemstones are cut to bring out the best color and character of the stone.

The cut of a colored stone can be categorized in terms of shape, faceting style, and cutting quality. Common shapes for colored stones include round, oval, pear, marquise, and emerald. However, some gemstones are cut into unique shapes to highlight the natural beauty of the stone.

The faceting style of a gemstone can also affect its cut grade. Different gemstones have distinct optical properties, and some stones may be more suited to certain faceting styles than others. For example, a gemstone with a high refractive index may benefit from a faceting style that maximizes its brilliance, while a gemstone with a lower refractive index may benefit from a faceting style that emphasizes its color.

The cutting quality of a colored stone is also an important factor in its overall cut grade. A well-cut gemstone should have symmetrical facets, proper proportions, and minimal visible blemishes. The quality of the polishing also affects the cut grade, as a well-polished gemstone will reflect light evenly and enhance its beauty.

The cut of a colored stone plays an essential role in determining its value. A well-cut gemstone will showcase its color, brilliance, and unique character, making it more desirable to collectors and buyers.